
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Sorry that I haven't blogged in a while. I have spent my Christmas break enjoying time with my family. When I did get a free moment, I decided to catch up on school work -- curriculum maps, lesson plans for when we return to school, flipcharts, and looking for ideas on Teachers Pay Teachers. I am not looking forward to returning tomorrow, but on the bright side, I am getting a student teacher on Friday of this week! My little darlings are a handful this year, so I was more than willing to accept extra help in the classroom!

Before we left school for winter break, the students and I worked on a unit called Holidays Around the World. We visited England, Germany, Israel, Italy, Sweden, Mexica, and the United States. Students received a stamp in their passports for each country. Our elf named Okie would bring top secret information that we had to record so he could take it back to Santa. I read books to the students that related to Christmas time in that country. We viewed power points and youtube videos. Students made a craft in each country and they ate a snack that related to that particular country. The students had so much fun! I want to give credit in case you are interested.....I bought two units from Teachers Pay Teachers and combine certain parts for my unit. Both of the units were excellent!
                            Christmas Around the World with Elf on the Shelf        Christmas Around the World Scrapbook

I have attached the link on the pictures so you can purchase these from TpT. Below are pictures that I took while we worked on our unit.
Top Secret information sent by our Elf when we visted each country!
Each student had their own folder to keep their information in.
 Students made yule logs when we visted England and ate plum pudding!

Students made Christmas trees and gingerbread men when we visted Germany. Students also ate gingerbread cookies!

Students created a menorah and ate latkes when we visted Israel!

Students created La Befana and ate panttone when we visted Italy!

 Students made wreaths and ate cinnamon buns with hot cocoa when we visted Sweden!

 Students made poinsettias ate busted open a pinata when we visted Mexico!
Students made stockings when we visited the United States!
As far as assessments (because we have to have grades :)), each week students filled in a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting two countries that we studied that week. Students also wrote a postcard to their parents telling something that they had learned about how a country celebrates Christmas. I decided to take the assessment piece one step further. Since we are implementing Common Core Standards, I decided to focus on the speaking and listening aspect on our last day of school before break. The students had to tell their classmates one country that they enjoyed visting and state two facts about that country. The other classmates were in charge of listening to their peers and then they rated their peers. This was very challenging for some of my students! Definitely something for us to work on in the future. 

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