
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Zero the Hero

Zero the Hero has become a widespread epidemic in first grade! One of our first grade teachers use to teach Pre-K. When she came to our school a couple of years ago, she told us about Zero the Hero. Every tenth day of school, Zero the Hero visits the classroom and brings a treat for the class. The snacks are in the shape of a zero (Lifesaver Gummies, Cheerios, cheese balls, Fruit Loops, etc). The students absolutely love this and they always knew before we did the morning calendar that it was Zero the Hero day. Last year we came up with a list of ideal snacks at the beginning of the year and divided up who would buy for the first grade. We decided to stop at the 100th day of school. The students were so disappointed when Zero the Hero stopped bringing snacks! Anyway, I was looking this summer for a Zero the Hero doll for my classroom. I thought that the students would enjoy having Zero the Hero in our class all year. They could read to him and the snacks could be sitting beside him on those special days! I found only one online but I didn't really like it, so I decided to make one. My boys and I went to Michael's and bought felt and stuffing. I used a glue gun instead of felt glue because it bonded better than the glue. I also found some glitter foam to cut out a zero for the front of his shirt and the back of his cape. I think he looks pretty good! I decided to make four more for my team. So now we all have a Zero the Hero doll!