
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Student Dictionary

Summer is really flying by! I went into Wal-mart yesterday and saw aisles full of school supplies! Oh my! Am I ready to go back? No not yet. I want a few more weeks of sleeping late, staying up as late as I want, and having a clean house! It is so hard when school is back in session to keep a clean house.

Anyway, I have been working on a student dictionary for my students to use in the classroom this year. Last school year, the first grade teachers and I discussed purchasing a student dictionary for students to use during writing. Well, somehow we did not order one so I decided to make one. It is 14 pages total. You run the copies front to back, and fold the pages in half. Here are some samples pages for you to see:

               If you would like a copy, you can get it from my store at TpT! Click on the link.

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